Abc Kids – Brighton

Art & Science Fair Hosted by ABC Kids DDN

A child’s brain is like sponges; they absorb information quickly, constantly learning, and growing every day. Similarly, each child is unique; how they view the world depends on their experiences and senses along with observation, imitation, repetition, experimentation, exploration, social interaction, and instruction.

There are five domains of a child development that are prevalent in an early childhood education. Those five domains are play and development, socio-emotional, physical, language, and cognitive development. The aforementioned are interconnected and supports every child’s overall growth and development.

To enhance these five domains in children, the ABC Kids Kindergarten at DDN Depok branch provides a space for your children to explore through a stimulating and supportive environment which encourages exploration, experimentation, and learning.

We invite parents to bring their children to our Art & Science Fair special education event. This fair is part of our educational approach and involves a collaborative effort between children and teachers. 

The Art & Science Fair will have children showcasing their skills and knowledge to the audience. By presenting their knowledge, children will learn how to communicate clearly and thus, boost their self confidence and help develop a positive self-image.

Looking forward to seeing new faces, and we can’t wait to see your children showcasing their incredible skills. See you on Saturday, March 11th, 2023, at ABC Kids Kindergarten DDN Depok! This event is FREE and OPEN for PUBLIC.

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