As parents and adults, we might have thought about how children should always be under the control of their parents or other adults. This control is only valid until the child has grown to an adult and has the right to make plans for the future. However, since they are still under their parents’ supervision, their necessities and desires must be fulfilled. There are even instances where the children struggle to decide on their future. Their parents’ expectations often limit children. Children raised by a guardian, who is responsible for their well-being due to the absence of the biological parents, may also be restricted to choosing the right path for them. How will the children feel when they find out that their parents’ expectations differ from theirs? Do we, as parents, have the right to determine our children’s future without considering their needs, desire, and hope?
Did you know that children have rights?
We have already known about the world acclaimed Human Rights Law. It is the right that every individual has as a human being. The children’s right is part of the Human Rights Law that the entire human race should stand for. Children are one of God’s creations. They go through growth and development, starting from the womb to becoming elderly. The children are also the future of our generations. Their roles are essential in resolving the issues of our civilization. Therefore, in 1989, the United Nations has validated the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In 1990, it was applied as international law.
Who do we call children?
Article 1 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child defines, “For the present Convention, a child means every human being below the age of 18 years unless, under the law applicable to the child, the majority is attained earlier.”
Then, what are the children’s rights that have been determined by the Convention on the Rights of the Child?
Some of them are related to growth, nurture, and education which are:
- 1. Child’s rights to life and maximum survival and development,
- 2. Child’s right to freedom of expression,
- 3. Child’s right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion,
- 4. Child’s right to freedom of association and peaceful assembly,
- 5. Child’s right to privacy,
- 6. Child’s right to protection from all violence,
- 7. Child’s right to health and health services,
- 8. Child’s right to education,
- 9. Child’s right to leisure, play, and culture.
Other children’s rights are related to the children’s civil rights as citizens. There are four principles in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which are:
- 1. Non-discrimination
- 2. Best interests of the child
- 3. Survival and development
- 4. Respect for the views of the child
As parents and educators, we need to know the children’s suitable beacon of nurturing and educational guidance, especially our students.
Reference :
Pengertian Konvensi Anak For Every Child Health, Education, Equality, Protection, Sahaja PKBI DIY dan UNICEF, Cetakan Harapan Prima
Hak-Hak Anak, dialihbahasakan dari Intisari Implementation Handbook For The Convention On The Rights Of The Child-UNICEF, IKIP PGRI Semarang Press, 2011