Abc Kids – Brighton

Scoot on, Mario!

Mario Ezer Tampubolon



There are many ways to enhance our self-confidence. One is to achieve a particular goal, like what Mario Ezer Tampubolon, our 4th-grade ABC Kids Elementary DDN student, has done recently. In the Kapolda DIY Cup 2023 Roller Skate Competition, he successfully won two medals: a silver medal for speed DTT 200 m and a bronze medal for speed DTT 100 m.

He admitted he was grateful for being the runner-up and second runner-up in that competition. On the other hand, he also felt unsatisfied because his target was being the champion and getting the gold medal. Mario has a regular schedule to practice roller skating with his clubmates four days a week. Roller skating is one of the common sports for children nowadays. There are several clubs in the Jabodetabek area which regularly join both local and national range competitions.

Mario is determined to practice harder to achieve gold medals in future competitions. Once again, Congratulations, Mario! You’ve done a superb performance!

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