Abc Kids – Brighton

Where Our Graduates Go

Graduates of Brighton JHS had terrific choices, and this list reflects their accomplishments and devotions. Schools in bold indicate one or more Brighton JHS students who will be attending the 2021 academic year. Schools not in bold indicate one or more Brighton JHS students enrolled in the previous academic years.

Pangudi Luhur, Jakarta Nanyang School, SPH Sentul, SMA Global Jaya, Springfield School, SMK Metland, SMK Kimia Bogor, SMK SahidBinus School Bekasi, Labschool Cibubur, SMA BPK Penabur Kota Wisata, SMA BPK Penabur Sentul, SMA Kristen Ketapang III, SMA Global Mandiri, SMA Al–Azhar 19 Ciracas, SMA BHK Kota Wisata, SMA Labschool Kebayoran, SMA Labschool Rawamangun, SMA President, SMA Pribadi, Sekolah ACS (Tiara Bangsa), SMA Kolese Gonzaga, SMA Terpadu Krida Nusantara, SMA Alexandria, SMA Taruna Nusantara, SMA Mardi Yuana Depok, SMA PKP (Jakarta Islamic School), SMA Sampoerna Academy, Sekolah Cikal Amri, SMA Kharisma Bangsa, SMAN 1 Depok, SMAN  2 Depok, SMAN 4 Depok, SMAN 99 Jakarta, SMAN 8 Jakarta, SMAN 48 Jakarta, SMAN 39 Jakarta, SMAN 3 Bogor, SMAN 20 Jakarta, SMAN 7 Depok, SMAN 14 Jakarta, SMAN 2 Gunung PutriSMAN 7 Bekasi

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